Monday, November 26, 2012

Stiforp is not real!

You say to yourself, I'm not getting were I need to be in this industry. They Money Is not adding up, and I in return say you need to work a little harder. FIRST STOP, Look at what your doing wrong, Are you coming of a a spammy marketer? Or are you representing the right company? I know you say Ashley what makes you think you know it all, I don't but I've been in those shoes when no one would buy the products that I was selling or no one would join my team. I want for you to find a Company like Siforp that give you all the tools that you need to run an online business. Capture pages, Email Marketing,Webinar Tools so much more I did not like stiforp at the beginning, it seem like I was too much stuff to work with. I didn't know what to do with all the stuff, until they started to add people in my power line and my $25 dollar commission started to roll in I quickly began to love the company. Because they did %95 of the work for me I paid my initial $49 dollars and made that plus more with sitfop so that made me fall in love with them. When they add people to your power line then you make money if those people they added 200 people to my power line at $2.00 dollars each do the math easy money made for me do the math. This is money made while you sleep I dont like to work hard at all I want everything handed to me thats why I work from home and that's why I work for stiforp %5 of my day. LOVE TO HATE the company that I work for!

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