Today, take our amazingly incredible and awesome 2-in-2 Challenge* creating a Monthly Recurring Income of ---Drum-Roll--- $19,659.60 Per Month (Yes, it's Monthly, Every Month, Month after Month!)
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Take it today, not tomorrow, today - Just Sign Up. (Because tomorrow you will have already lost 1 day...hey)
2-in-2 Challenge *Get 2 people signed up in 2 days! Get them to do the same in 2 days and so on - AND - In 28 Days, Voila... $19,659.60 Per Month Is YOURS! (Get more than 2 others and this amount goes much higher with our 100% Matching Bonus Pay!)
Our new Penny Matrix program IS just what everyone's looking for now because of the financial instability around the world. Built with an extremely low price to suit today's economy, we are already in many countries. So, is the "answer to prayers" for many people... Just Sign Up!
R e s i d u a l I n c o m e G o n e C r a z y... Yes, are you kidding!? In no time at all - just a matter of DAYS - and for just a mere 7 bucks to get started, create a huge Recurring Income that keeps paying EVERY MONTH!
PRODUCT: Just sign up. Get in this Exploding Program Now! You get to pick out a valuable ebook every month from our huge library. You will get an early spot (Permanent, yes your spot will never go away - even if you are inactive for a while!) in a powerful newly designed and unique 2 x 14 forced company matrix that is currently exploding in the U.S. and now in other countries around the world... "a Book-of-the-Month Club on Steriods!"
Just sign up! |
Commision Structure Paying on the "Even Levels" of the 14-Level Matrix at $.30 per members on even-numbered levels through the 14th level with 100% matching bonuses paid to the referrers TO INFINITY. See "RULES" below. |
Every month, you make commissions on all members on your even levels(levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14). You are paid on all active positions on the even levels throughout all 14 Levels... (monthly)! 21,846 potential positions times (X) .30 per person A Total Potential of $6,553.20... (monthly!) PLUS...A 100% matching bonus on all of your personally referred members... (monthly!)! (Make "100% Matching" of Everythingthey ALL Make!...Monthly!)

YEP! 100% MATCHING BONUS FOR ALL PERSONAL REFERRALS, ALL REFERRALS!ALL 100% Recurring Monthly Income!(Even if they drop out, you still make the matching pay!) Multiply your earnings using this feature 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x, 50x, you decide!Do the math with any amount of people referred in, with any portion of a full matrix and you will be simply astonished at the results!The World's Most Powerful Penny Matrix! New: Use Credit Card or Payza to Start Now! Listen to a Live Opportunity Call Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 pm EST 712-432-3066 Pin 344699
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